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Romeo D. Devera, MSN, RN, CPAN


Current Work Position:

Perianesthesia Clinical Educator,

Mayo Clinic Florida


Current PNAA Position:

Regional Vice President,

South Central Region (SCR)


Running for Position:

Regional Vice President,

South Central Region (SCR)

Candidate’s Statement of Philosophy and Intent


I am running for my second term as the South Central Region Vice-President to continue the vision of developing a stronger regional involvement that will influence the future of the SCR and the PNA America.  The momentum is present among the chapter leaders and the role of the Regional Vice-President is to protect the threats that may cross the line of their integrity and resiliency.  Should I be elected as the SCR Vice-president, the promise is to maintain communication and relationship-building between members of other regions and the leaders of the PNAA.


For the past two terms, my involvement with the PNA America is to participate in the decision-making with the members of Executive Board, to enhance the partnership with other professional organizations and to look for opportunities to meet the expectations of the members.  The impact of these experiences will be incorporated to my leadership standards.  I am seeing myself in the frontline to represent our organization at this level.


Looking ahead to the future of the South Central Region and the PNA America, I will be supportive in reengineering some of the organizational structures and practices that will put strength in chapter formation, leadership and professional development, engagement of the members, membership incentives, more ground work for the grass roots, and a more global PNA America.


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