OF AMERICA, INC. organization responsive to Filipino American' Nurses' needs and a positive force in world arena of nursing.
PNAMDC Induction of Officers, 2015-2017
June 10, 2015
President: Lorna Imperial-Seidel, RN, PhD
President-Elect: Joy Arellano, BSN, RN
Recording Secretary: Rosabella de la Pena, BSN, RNC-MNN, IBCLC
Asst. Recording Secretary: Maria Stella Valencia, RN, BSN, CPN
Corresponding Secretary: Nina Reynoso-Ray, RN, BSN
Asst. Corresponding Secretary: Prima Colburn, RNC-NICU
Treasurer: Carol Manilay-Robles, BSN, RN, C-NE
Assistant Treasurer: Febes Galvez, BSN, RN
Auditor: Mila Cariaga, RN
Assistant Auditor: Teresita Delima, RN
Public Relations Officers:
Zeny Amado, RN
Elsa Aquino, RN, BSN
Alicia Calayag-De Leon, BSN, RN
Sharon Jackson, RN, BSN, MSN
Christine Pabico, RN, MSN, NE-BC
Edna Guerrero, RN
Emilie Dearing, MSN, RN, PMHCNS-BC
Board of Directors:
Leonora Mendoza, RN, BSN, WCC
Marissa Usman, RN
Alice Namata-Andam, RN, IBCLC
Diana Comiso, RN, MSN
Resurreccion Jao, RN, BSN, MA. Ed.
Teresita Samoy, RN
Legal Counsel: Arnedo Valera, Esq.
In-House Physician: Felipe Dimayuga, M.D.
Lorna Imperial-Seidel, Ph.D., RN
PNAMDC, Inc. of the PNAA - Eastern Region celebrated the 44th anniversary and the biennial induction of the 19th President and the newly elected Executive Officers at Hilton Mark Center, Alexandria, Virginia on May 23, 2015.
Lorna Imperial-Seidel, Ph.D., R.N., was inducted as President with her Executive Board. Tess Cauterucci, Co-founder and first President of PNAMDC, sworn them into office during the gala induction and awards night.
The eloquence of public speaking of Emilie Dearing and Patrick Realiza, Emcee and Co-Emcee, respectively, provided the smooth flow of the night’s festivities. The decoration provided by Alice Andam was simple and elegant. The video of the history of the organization produced by Vic de la Pena was phenomenal and informative.
Leonora Mendoza, Outgoing President of "Yes We Can " attitude was highlighted by her numerous achievements, a term of office that paved the way for PNAMDC as the first recipient of the Transformational Leadership Award from Philippine Nurses Association of America under the Presidency of Leticia Hermosa. Nora Mendoza was presented by Emma dela Rosa, an appreciation award highlighting her contributions and accomplishments during her tenure.
The new President, Dr. Lorna Imperial- Seidel, shared and presented her Administration's Mantra, "Leading the way to Innovation Excellence through Health, Empowerment, Advancement, Leadership, Transformation, Healing" H.E.A.L.T.H. that will serve as the guiding principles as PNAMDC journey to Innovation Excellence for high performance, high reliability organization. She echoed Atty. Leticia Hermosa Presidential Theme, "Lead, Empower, and Transform." In her acceptance speech, she emphasized that PNAA is
celebrating its 37th convention at the Nation's Capital on July 20-24, 2016 and PNAMDC is the host chapter. The convention integration's goal is to provide successful outcome, to celebrate the accomplishments of nurses and really to have fun while learning.
She emphasized her heartfelt congratulations to her fellow officers who are ready to propel PNAMDC to the next endeavors. Representatives from Philippine Nurses Association of America past and current State chapter presidents, officers and members headed by Vicky Navarro and Dino Doliente.
Emil Fernandez, Minister and Consul General of Philippine Embassy, delivered video greetings and message from Ambassador Jose L. Cuisia, Jr. Mr. Hank Hendrickson, the Guest Speaker, who is the Executive Director of the U.S. Philippine Society, gave an inspirational message to PNAMDC, in his words, as the “world class organization and with leaders who provide humanitarian services to the community and the Philippines.”
The highlight of the celebration is the Candlelight Ceremony, which is a tradition at every induction of the officers of the Philippine Nurses Association of Metropolitan DC, Inc.
It is a solemn event that reminds us of the work of Florence Nightingale when we pledged to devote ourselves to the welfare of those entrusted to our care and for each other.
There are 23 unlighted votive candles around the large candle on the table. The big candle in the middle signifies the organizational light, its members, its goals, mission and purpose. It is surrounded by the 23 votive candles signifying the elected officers, 6 members of the board composed of 2 elected board members and 4 past presidents.
The lighting of the big candle by Alice Namata-Andam, a founding member and the Organizer/Coordinator of the Medical Mission for thirteen years, is to demonstrate that the light of PNAMDC has been shining for 44 years of service to the community and to our Kababayans in the Philippines.
The lighting of the candle of Lorna Imperial-Seidel, incoming President, symbolizes the passing of the light, a transfer of commitment to the mission and goals of the organization.
The candle lighting of all officers signifies the trust, leadership, commitment and dedication expected of her and the rest of the officers who will lead the organization for the next two years with care, compassion and humility.
With all the lights shining on the table, the inner lights of each of the inductees will continue to light their way, their minds and hearts open to all opportunities, challenges ahead as they continue to provide the best of themselves in the service of others.
Rose de la Pena did a fabulous job with the acknowledgement of the Past Presidents with the presentation of bouquet of flowers to each of them by Lorna Imperial-Seidel and Joy Arellano.
Nora Mendoza presented her Presidential Awards to Alice Namata-Andam, Emilie Dearing and posthumously to Dr. Archimedes Jao, represented by his surviving spouse, Resurreccion Jao.
Dr. Imperial-Seidel closed her acceptance speech with, “Henry Ford once said, ‘Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is in progress and working together is success.’ With this in mind, I am looking forward to serve you as your President. I will do my very best as we have to work together, sustain each other and continue to make a compelling history. God bless PNAMDC and PNAA. Mabuhay tayong lahat! Mabuhay Philippine Nurses Association of Metropolitan D.C.!
Thank you.”
Left to Rright: Nora Mendoza, Joy Arellano, Rose de la Pena, Maria Stela Valencia, Nina Reynoso-Ray, Prima Colburn, Carol Robles, Febes Galvez, Mila Cariaga, Teresita Delima, Elsa Aquino, Zeny Amado, Alicia Calayag-De Leon, Emilie Dearing, Edna Guerrero, Sharon Jackson, Christine Pabico, Alice Namata-Andam, Diana Comiso, Resurreccion Jao, Teresita Samoy and Lorna Imperial-Seidel. Inducting Officer: Tess Sanchez-Cauterucci