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Message from the President

May 30, 2015

Date: May 29, 2015




Dear PNAA Nurses and Colleagues,


Last March, I sent a letter to our PNAA Colleagues regarding the RN4CAST Survey being conducted in New Jersey, Philadelphia, Florida and California. In that letter, I mentioned that I will send a letter of inquiry to the RN4CAST Project Team, to seek answers to our questions regarding the purpose of the survey, how the data would be analyzed and why “Filipino” was singled out as a variable in the demographicssection of the questionnaire.


In response to our inquiry, Dr. Linda Aiken, Project Director, responded with a statement that “the purpose of the study is to improve quality of care and Nurses’ working conditions. The research has no intention of singling out Filipino nurses in any negative way. The only reason the study asks respondents to provide the information requested about demographic background is to ensure that Filipino nurses and other groups have been given equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from the results of the study”.


Dr. Aiken further stated that “the University of Pennsylvania researchers would be pleased to hear from PNAA members about ideas as well as research and policy questions that may be able to be addressed by the study. The intent of the study is to serve as a positive resource to the nursing community.”


Dr. Rey Rivera and I had the opportunity to engage in a dialogue through a conference call with Dr. Linda Aiken and Dr. Antonia Villaruel, Dean of the University of Pennsylvania. The conversation was very positive and promises to be a collaborative research opportunity. Results of the RN4CAST would provide objective data that will help PNAA focus and prioritize programs and initiatives. While the RN4CAST study begun in January 2015, it is not too late to participate. If you received a copy of the survey, you are encouraged to participate and share your nursing perspectives.


Let us thank our PNAA-RN4CAST Task Force who served and will continue to serve as our internal consultants and advisers as we move forward with our future PNAA research initiatives.   


Thank you and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any question or concerns



Leticia Hermosa, RN, Esq.

President, 2014-2016

Philippine Nurses Association of America, Inc


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