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Lead, Empower, Transform: Let's do it!

Submitted by:  Leticia C. Hermosa, PhD, JD, MSN, RN

Lead, empower transform: Three simple words, but powerful, challenging, dynamic and energizing.


To lead is to do the right thing. It is more than managing people; it is or more than simply accomplishing a task or a project. It is the ability to influence and persuade others to do the right thing. I believe that control is not leadership; management is not leadership; leadership is influence. There is no magic formula, nor a clear definition of an effective leader.


We lead, by first leading ourselves with a clear purpose, guided by knowledge, ethics, principles, motivation and conduct. Our knowledge and awareness of our strengths and weaknesses are essential ingredients in leading our organization to greater heights.     


I believe that leadership is empowering and trusting others to make informed decisions, to be creative, to try new ways of accomplishing our goals and objectives. During the next administration, we need to empower our regional and chapter leaders to lead their membership. But in doing so, we also need to provide the support and guidance necessary towards their success. The success of each chapter is the success of PNAA.

As we move towards the 21st century, the landscape of healthcare is changing. In order to sustain our existence as a professional organization, we need to transform our way of thinking, not only as leaders and but as members of our profession.  PNAA must be more actively involved in transforming health care through nursing. Our participation is imperative in implementing the IOM’s recommendations on The Future of Nursing. Using these recommendations as a roadmap, we must join the other professional nursing organizations and interest groups in transforming healthcare towards the 21st century and beyond. The health care of our fellow Filipino-Americans is very much impacted by this transformation, and we as an organization have an obligation to influence and get involved in shaping the future of our health care system. Lead, Empower, Transform: Let’s do it!


Leticia C. Hermosa, PhD, JD, MSN, RN
Philippine Nurses Association of America, Inc.

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