OF AMERICA, INC. organization responsive to Filipino American' Nurses' needs and a positive force in world arena of nursing.
Jeanette N. Livelo, DNP, MS/MBA, RN
Current Work Position:
Nursing Director, Massachusetts General Hospital
Current PNAA Position:
PNAA Treasurer Chair, Budget & Finance Committee
Running for Position:
President Elect
Candidate’s Statement of Philosophy and Intent
I believe that the most valuable asset of PNAA is the group of people that comprise the organization. The success in achieving PNAA’s mission and goals highly depend on the engagement, vision and commitment of its leaders, members and supporters. I value and appreciate the wisdom shared by our present and past leaders, the strength of our membership, and their contributions and willingness to share knowledge, expertise and resources for the betterment of our organization.
My vision of PNAA is an organization that will thrive and remain visible and vital in the face of today’s competitive healthcare landscape and increasingly diverse culture. As President-elect, I will promote role modeling and relationship-based approach to allow our members and colleagues to grow, be independent, and be energized. As an organization, we will join forces with other health care organizations in taking action and understanding the implications of health care disparity, global migration, nursing shortage and the aging population and workforce. The stage to make this happen is to live my proposed mantra of “Leveraging Diversity” in health care and global community through research, education, innovation, and evidenced based practice.
My knowledge and experience as a leader and member of the PNAA Executive Board for more than a decade and as a leader in a large academic, magnet recognized and among the best hospitals in the US, provide me with the background, strength and capability to lead PNAA to a world class organization that we can all be proud of. My commitment as a change agent and a transformational leader for PNAA will engage us in a journey to the future. I have the passion and the willingness to take action, to dream, to explore, to discover and deliver productive outcomes. Let us leverage our diversity and our culture to make a difference.