OF AMERICA, INC. organization responsive to Filipino American' Nurses' needs and a positive force in world arena of nursing.
37th PNAA Annual National Convention
Call for Posters Now Open
February 9, 2016
Sample Format
The Philippine Nurses Association of America, Inc. (PNAA) will hold the 2016 Annual Convention on July 20-24 at the Grand Hyatt Washington DC.
Call For Abstracts Now Open
PNAA invites you to submit an abstract for poster presentation. The symposium will showcase registered professional nurses' involvement in innovative evidence-based practice and clinical nursing research.
Abstracts must be received by 11:59 PM Pacific time on Tuesday, June 1, 2016.
Abstract Notification
All authors will be notified via email of abstract status for submissions no later than June 15, 2016. Please make sure you email address is correct and up-to-date.
Submission Format
All abstracts, not to exceed one page, are to be submitted via PNAA’s online abstract submission site. A link to the submission site is located at the end of this page.
Registration and Membership
You do not have to be a member of PNAA to submit an abstract. However, if your abstract is accepted for presentation, the presenting author MUST register for the Annual Meeting by the pre-registration deadline.
Abstracts of all papers should reflect or include:
Internal consistency of purpose/aims and methods;
Clarity of presentation;
Implications and significance of the study/project/theory for nursing practice.
In addition, the Research Committee will use the following specific criteria when selecting abstracts for acceptance:
Research and Evidence-Based Practice papers:
Background: Describe the significance of the problem you are addressing in your research or evidence-based practice project.
Purpose: Clearly state the aim of the research or evidence-based practice project.
Design: For research, state the study design using appropriate terminology (e.g., pretest-posttest study design, descriptive, qualitative, quasi-experimental, experimental, etc.). For evidence-based practice projects, specify that this was an evidence-based practice project and identify the EBP model utilized.
Methods: For research, describe the setting, participants/subjects, data collection and data analysis procedures, as applicable. For research, also include the IRB approval. For evidence-based practice projects, describe how articles were identified and appraised for their quality and level of evidence.
Results: For research, present qualitative and/or quantitative findings. For evidence-based practice projects, specify the number of articles appraised, describe article findings, and provide details on article's study quality and level of evidence.
Conclusions: Synthesize study results. Describe the implications of findings.
Project/Best Practices papers
Brief description of the undertaking/best practice, including the approach, methods, or process used
Outcomes achieved/documented (provide data)
Conclusions, emphasizing implications for clinical or educational practices, and recommendations for research or future undertakings
Important Information
Only those submissions which fully comply with the instructions will be reviewed. All completed applications received by the deadline will be independently and blindly reviewed by the Research Committee and PNAA member volunteers. Selection of abstracts for presentation at the annual conference will be based on scientific merit.
Abstract Submission Form
PNAA will be using an online abstract submission program for the conference. The link to the online form is at the upper-left side of this page.
Abstract Format
Complete Abstracts will be uploaded in Word (.doc) file format.
Length/Format: The abstract shall not exceed 300 words (exclusive of abstract title, authors, and references) on a one page, single-sided document.
Margins: You can use any of the pre-set margins in your word processing document. Standard Default is: Top: 1”; Bottom: 1”; Left: 1”; Right: 1”.
Type Styles: Use letter quality, 12-point size type, Times New Roman.
Titles: Abstract titles should be centered and may not exceed 10 words.
Authors: If there is only one author, center the author’s name, degree(s), title, department, organization, city, and state under the title of the paper. The first author listed MUST BE the presenting author. If there are three or more authors, list all the names with the same information requested above. Do not abbreviate and do not include zip code or telephone number. You may include your email address if you would like readers to be able to contact you about your paper. ALL individuals involved in the study must be listed.
Grant: If the study was supported in full or in part by a grant, cite the grant number and granting organization at the end of the abstract. In addition, for symposium presentations, cite the grant number and granting organization for any papers supported in full or in part by a grant.
References: References are optional. If references are included, use APA format