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An Exemplary Hawaiian Experience: The 36th PNAA National Convention
CONGRATULATIONS PNAA and PNA Hawaii for a job well done! The delivery of the 36th PNAA National Convention was purely exquisite. The endless long-term planning, weekly meetings and detailed craftsmanship of the event preparation paid off. Everyone went home from Hilton Hawaii Village (maybe tired and sleepless) with a smile just like PNA Hawaii, the welcome committee and volunteers when delegates arrived on the first day and throughout the rest of the convention… a true service with a smile. Thank you PNA Hawaii for an experience we can treasure for a long time. You must (and should) be beaming with pride for all the accolades coming your way. Truly well- deserved by an overwhelmingly hospitable host like you. Hats off PNA Hawaii. You raised the bar higher for future convention hosting.
Below is the recap of the week’s events, to showcase the wonderful execution of the National Convention 2015 with Hawaii as the host chapter, Western Region as the host region and with the help of PNAA EB and COMCHA led by PNAA President Leticia Hermosa and PNAA Advisory Board Members for the teamwork, cooperation, and flexi- bility that paved the way for an unforgettable Convention experience. A unified implementation of the President’s mantra - Lead, Empower, Transform: Let’s Do it.
Wednesday’s EB meeting was fruitful and productive, EB/COMCHA presenters were well prepared. The prep meeting conducted by President Hermosa a week before helped to organize the day. The PNAA EB were also invit- ed to join the RVP and COP meeting. Together, this was a great way to reach out to the chapter Presidents and members to learn about their thoughts and comments on proposals at the table. This was the first time where is- sues and proposals were brought forward face to face to chapters prior to the General Assembly. The follow up meeting conducted by RVPs and COPRRs for each respective region was well received with awards given to chap- ters. Indeed, awards and recognition come a long way and are very dear to the hearts of our chapter members. PNA Hawaii for an experience we can treasure for a long time. You must (and should) be beaming with pride for all the accolades coming your way. Truly well-deserved by an overwhelmingly hospitable host like you. Hats off PNA Hawaii. You raised the bar higher for future convention hosting.
By: Jeanette N. Livelo, DNP, MS/MBA, RN, PNAA Executive Board Member

The Western Regional conference that followed allowed the attendees to have a preliminary taste of what the Leadership conference would be. Of course, the innovative and creative talent of Dr. Rey Rivera, PNAA Education Chair to showcase the PNAA Western Region Leaders was very informative. NCEMNA President and Advisory Board Member Mila Velasquez also spoke about talent manage- ment, a very timely topic to address especially for the current and future leaders of PNAA. May I add the difference of having a comfortable seating arrangement for all speakers with matching coffee table and beautiful anthorium flower arrangement that adorned the stage was so refreshing to the eyes of the audience. This is what the stage looked like for the Leadership and Education day also. PNAA leveled up and separated the intimidating podium and microphone away from the audience.

Thursday’s Leadership Meeting was another success with Atty. Reuben Seguritan and our very own President Letty Hermosa as the speakers. The past conferences talked about different topics and surely, the topic for this Leadership conference garnered the most questions from the audience and many would have offered commentaries also if time permitted. The world café is very engaging to many chapter attendees because it allowed for sharing of ideas and best practices from each chapter and a learning opportunity for many attendees. Again, many thanks to Dr. Rey Rivera and Dr. Gloria Beriones for this segment of the convention.

The Networking Night was such a blast. A glimpse of what PNA Hawaii’s talent has to offer was shown that evening. The Eastern Region’s creativity designed by ER COPRR Belle Villafuerte showcased the cultural history of Hawaii with members donned in Polynesian, Philippines, US, and Japanese costumes who participated in a cha-cha dance to the tune of Pearly Shells and Tiny Bubbles, colorful and fun indeed – a true example of teamwork from all chapters. The joint presentation by the SCR and NCR for Miss Multicultural (won by SCR Freda Arzadon) was produced by SCR’s Sandy Lalata, a true essence of collaboration between regions. Each chapter representative from both regions showcased different nations in the world and regions in the Philippines. The Q and A portion was remarkable as they tap on PNAA’s leaders and PNAA history. The Western Region (the host region) presented their chapters with different style of dances, a real testament of their support and cooperation for the host chapter. The last performance presented by Oregon Washington (all dressed in traditional Maria Clara) and danced to the tune of Sampaguita captivated the audience. Another highlight of the night was honoring the wedding anniversary celebrants led by Dr. Leo and Nini Jurado and joined by several couples on the stage. In the end, PNA Hawaii and President Hermosa went out of their way to thank the Convention Planning Committee with a plaque of appreciation especially to the platinum donor Maria Etrata who, despite of her busy schedule, made her way to the Networking Night. I also learned that PNA New Jersey closed the dance floor with PNA Hawaii.
Friday’s Education day was well attended. The education speakers were great and three of them are from our own: Doctors Riza Mauricio, Gloria Beriones and Mary Joy-Dia presented their doctoral work and research. This will en- courage future members to pursue graduate studies as they see a great number of mentors and role models that they can reach out to. Dr. Cole Edmonson of Texas Presbyterian was charismatic with his presentation in regards to Ebola. Details of each component and the results of the evaluation which is presumably all excellent is now in the hands of the Education Planning Committee.
The first time attendee meeting that followed shortly after the Education program was emotional and very inspiring as young and seasoned members shared their experience as first time attendees and shared how they became PNAA members. The enthusiasm among them was evident. It provided us with a great appreciation of the struggles, as well as sacrifices, by these new members. Seeing and hearing them speak is so powerful. We should be proud that we are able to accommodate this type of meeting every year. Thank you to PNAA Advisory Pete Reuben Calixto for facilitating and preparing the slide deck for this meeting.
The Luau event that followed was well arranged and the show was equally captivating. There is great showmanship by PNAA members, husbands, wives, children, grandchildren, especially Dr. Precious Andam and the grand- daughter of Evelyn Sugiyama of NCR, who was the youngest one on the stage. More than two hundred twelve PNAA members and families joined together and enjoyed each other’s company at the Germaine’s Luau where it is “Too Good To Miss”.
Saturday was very hectic. Many of us struggled to get out of bed at 5am to be at the 5K event located in Hawaii’s Pacific shoreline (in a mini lagoon). The pre-run/walk Zumba was energizing and it was rewarding to see all regions received the awards at the conclusion of the 5K run. The 5K committee led by Susan Castor worked very hard to get donations and pledges. The work of the committee is much appreciated and for keeping this PNAA/ PNAAF project materialized for this year.

Thursday’s Leadership Meeting was another success with Atty. Reuben Seguritan and our very own President Letty Hermosa as the speakers. The past conferences talked about different topics and surely, the topic for this Leadership conference garnered the most questions from the audience and many would have offered commentaries also if time permitted. The world café is very engaging to many chapter attendees because it allowed for sharing of ideas and best practices from each chapter and a learning opportunity for many attendees. Again, many thanks to Dr. Rey Rivera and Dr. Gloria Beriones for this segment of the convention.

The winning bid is a National Convention via cruise ship. In addition, the Scholarship (recipients: Camlaria Felicisimo, Maricar Gail Jones, Arbie Marie Ramos and Regalado Valerio), Awards (CARE Excellence recipients: Cristina Dimafiles, Greta Pardue, Jonathan Gecomo, Melvin Carillo, Phillip Parcon and Rachel Baldomar), PRIDE Award (Southern California), and Membership (chapter awards) were announced by each respective Committee Chairs and representative. Cherry Sloan Medrano was the recipient of 2015 Fellowship Award given by PNAA Foundation. The chapters and member recipients of these numerous awards were very grateful for this important recognition.
The final event, the Gala Night, was mesmerizing - kudos to Tina Salvador for promising and achieving to deliver 450 guests in the Gala. You made Erlinda Ferrer, Hawaii President-elect, navigate through each table hoping to find empty seats. Ramon Sumibcay, true to his word of providing us with a great entertainment, was very talented himself (from being a King Kameha Meha at the Networking to a gracious host and performer at the gala). The young singer and violinist, Daniel Ferrer, son of Erlinda were astonishing and very entertaining. The several Hawaiian dance renditions and choir ensemble presented by the Hawaii Planning committee and volunteers were marvelous and again emotional and powerful especially the “How Great Thou Art” number. They pulled it off even with several meetings in between – a true testament of will power, teamwork and cooperation between PNA Hawaii and the community. The instillation of the new PNAA Foundation Board of Trustees and Officers with the new President Merlita Velasquez was very emotional to many PNAA spectators as this excellent sight signify the strength and continuation of the PNAA and PNAA-F alliance. “This is the first time that PNAA-F’s induction of officers was held during PNAA’s Annual Gala”, verbalized by Phoebe Andes, PNAA and PNAA-F Founding President. The transfer of the host lamp (Nightingale lamp) between PNA Hawaii and PNA Metro Washington DC was done in solidarity amidst the anxious “wanting to dance” audience. The surprise gift/present (briefcase and memorabilia) from Metro DC signifies the opening of a whole year collaboration between the host chapter and the National (although the planning and preparation already started a few months ago). Thank you Dr. Lorna Seidel and PNA Metro DC team for your generosity.
The sumptuous Continental breakfast with Malasadas greeted the surprised early church goers on Sunday morning before the 9am mass. Several couples were surprised (many were celebrating their anniversaries) with the personal blessing by the officiating priest, Msgr. Thaddeus Mercado and a nice gesture of fresh Hawaiian leis given to each couple courtesy of Hawaii. Every single person said, “This is so tough to beat” as Tina Salvador, Hawaii Founding President and Co-Chair for Convention Host Planning Committee, kept on smiling with contentment for a very successful Convention. That was just icing on the cake for the planned “despedida” Hawaii way. The picnic table for lunch was festive with Filipino and Ilocano delicacies (appetizers and dessert) such as lechon, tupig, toron, ginataan, fruits and all sorts of healthy vegetables. All attendees savored the delightful menu cooked and planned by hosts and hostesses from PNA Hawaii, Erlinda Ferrer and Tess Oculto to name a few. The picnic was a great way to strengthen our long, lasting relationship between chapters and chapter delegates.
For the first time, the General Assembly attendees were well nourished beginning with a Rainbow Continental breakfast, box-lunch to support a working lunch and afternoon snacks with cookies and bottled/canned drinks. It set the tone for an organized, engaged and well-informed general assembly. For the first time, there were no questions posted to presenters due to the clarity of topics presented. The general assembly delegates also appreciated that the proposals were given to them ahead of time to deliberate on for voting at the next General Assembly. The questions came when the bid for the 2017 National Convention, which was presented by Central Florida. 7 Below is the recap of the week’s events, to showcase the wonderful execution of the National Convention 2015 with Hawaii asIt was a nice way to say goodbye to everyone and to say thank you. “Mahalo”, said by Tina Salvador, Co-Chair Host Convention Planning Committee and Ramon Sumibcay, PNAA Hawaii President. Many of us went to Merlita Velasquez’ place after with Merlita, the new PNAA-F President and her family prepared a “lechon treat” and other delicacies. Another way of showing Hawaiian’s superb hospitality.
Our post-convention meeting with the hotel appreciation of the work PNAA Hawaii did and the unanimity (esprit de corps, shared aims) exhibited by PNAA EB, COMCHA and Advisory to help PNAA Hawaii. Executive Director Lolit Compas continued to assist the President and was very instrumental to ensure we connect the dots all throughout the convention. The Western Region “M” team (Mila, Mindy and Mel) did their part thoroughly especially with the Western Region conference. Locally, there are so many people to thank for and to recognize; Violet, Emilyn, the Liza’s, the Jacob’s, Perie, Jacqueline, Peter, the PNAA Hawaii and Advisory Board and for the last minute tour of Hawaii by Tina, the surprise going away visit by Linda at the airport, every single gesture was so heartwarming and moving…words are not enough to express our gratitude to say the least.